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We bring our unique perspectives to our work and understand the political, practical, strategic and technical side of this practice.

Shivaun has practiced land use and environmental law for more than 20 years, representing a broad range of clients on projects throughout California, from initial diligence and strategy to entitlements, environmental review, permitting, and implementation. She brings this extensive experience to bear as she counsels our clients through all stages of the development process.

Carlyn’s experience as a government lawyer provides her with insight into how to effectively engage public agencies to proactively resolve issues and ensure our clients’ projects stay on track.

Katie’s work as in-house real estate counsel for a major retailer gives her a business mindset and an understanding of her client’s perspective.  Katie’s practical background, combined with Big Law technical expertise, enables her to deftly counsel clients on a wide range of real estate transactional matters.

Joey was a civil engineer for 12 years before becoming a lawyer. This gives her the ability to understand and untangle technical issues, and to maintain excellent relationships with consultants and agency staff alike.

Amanda was a lobbyist and serves on a local planning commission. Her practice spans the state of California which gives her strong and positive relationships with a host of government officials.

Ashley’s experience with all types of land use and permitting, combined with her experience on transactional matters, gives her the versatility to engage on all aspects of our client’s work.

Madeline has worked at large international law firms, in-house for a petroleum company, and at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Madeline’s diverse experience representing both the regulated community and regulators gives her the diversity of thinking to see all sides of an issue and navigate to find solutions.

Rob ran his own building contractor business and has himself faced the hurdles of what our clients must overcome to get building. This unique experience allows him to appreciate our clients’ perspective in land use transactional matters.